Saturday, April 7, 2007

Eladrienne's SLNN Reporting Life

I meant to tell you all that the dry-run with Second Life News Network (SLNN) went really well and I was assigned the SL finance beat. I went to J-school in real life, so being a reporter in SL isn't far-fetched. My editor, Marvel, assigns me a story or I propose one. I go out and cover, write it up and ta-da! It's a lot of fun and I find it challenging to arrange and conduct all of the interviews and write up a final piece. My job in SL really is as a reporter and I like writing pieces that inform the SL public. Lately, I've been covering the two stock exchanges. I was really tickled when we beat Reuters' SL bureau on my first story, lol.

Well, you can see photos of me at the SLNN offices and chilling at a coffeehouse waiting for an interview to come through.

If you have SL finance stories you'd like to suggest, please feel free to send me an email at or IM me in-world.

For you fashionistas: My suit is by IndustriElle, jewelry is Lassitude & Ennui. I'm interviewing professional businesspersons, so I figured I should dress the part. Who said you can't be professional and look good too?

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